Amazon is a convenient marketplace, all you need is to source a good product, and all the infrastructure is already there! Amazon FBA makes shipment and fulfillment a cakewalk. Similarly, Amazon Advertising makes product marketing intuitive and user-friendly.
On Amazon, you can have every kind of ad. You can have Sponsored Products ads to showcase your products at the top of a search page. You can have a Sponsored Brands store spotlight! Another features is to run Sponsored Display ads to show up outside of just Amazon.
There’s just one drawback… You’re giving up all this valuable data to Amazon. With convenience comes compromise, and that means Amazon Sellers do not have access to exact search terms used by shoppers, or emails of customers.
Fortunately, we’ll tell you a secret – you don’t need to compromise! Make an Amazon Landing Page, it’ll be your own personal data collector! Amazon Landing pages let you promote external traffic and collect much-needed customer information.
What is a Landing Page?
An Amazon landing page, sometimes referred to as a campaign landing page or simply put, a landing page, is a custom webpage that links to one or more of your product listings.
You can showcase one product or you can showcase a group of them at once. Landing pages are just a webpage that you can fully customize using external tools, and that external address displays the ASIN you’re choosing to showcase. When sellers click purchase, they are redirected to the Amazon Listing Page you linked.
Essentially the Amazon landing page serves as an effective in-between. You get to use videos, and a much bigger variety of images to truly showcase your product. You can advertise this personal webpage on your social media like running Facebook Ads or even Google Ads.
Landing pages are highly customizable. Sellers even set “timer” widgets on a coupon sale to attract more shoppers like in the image below. You can change up the headline, instead of sticking to Amazon’s product title rules. There are multitudes of customization options offered by various landing page creation tools that can help you catch a shopper’s eye.
You can easily connect to Amazon Shopify to build a perfect landing page with ease and start selling on both of them.

Why Create a Landing Page?
The key benefit of creating a landing page is as mentioned before, to get that customer traffic data. The wonderful thing about an external landing page is that you can set up a pop-up that requests for a customer’s name, and email address. You can do this even if the discount sale in question has ended. A simple “Leave us your email to be notified of future discounts!” already gets you emails of interested customers.
A mailing list is an excellent way to gather Product Reviews and Ratings. You can set up a newsletter for your Amazon Store, and email customers products they’re interested in, like a store catalog left at their virtual doorstep. This is the valuable data Amazon’s platform won’t let you access, now right at your fingertips.
In addition to collecting email addresses, you can truly drive external traffic to your Amazon Listing Page, which as it turns out, is actually extremely desirable. Namely, due to the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus.
If you have a registered brand you are eligible for and can enroll for the Amazon Brand Referral Bonus. Through this, sellers can receive a bonus worth 10% of product sales just for visitors coming to Amazon from external sites (such as a landing page!). You receive the bonus as a “credit” against your Amazon fees, potentially greatly lowering your costs!
Note: If you want the brand referral bonus make sure your Amazon Attribution is set up properly before that!
Creating a Good Landing Page
Design & Features
Design is key, you need to showcase your product (or a selection of products). Have a big, clear picture of it. Even better, go for a video! Take advantage of the fact that a custom webpage lets you put product videos where Amazon Listing Pages do not always allow the same. A big, bold catchy header will also go a long way! Don’t just use your boring Amazon Product Title…

Not only is the design important – not too packed, but not too light, with a good example being the image above – so are the features. A coupon expiration timer, a scarcity feature telling customers how much stock remains, the discounted price in big bold colors, and most important of all, a shiny big “Claim your Coupon” button that will beckon an interested customer directly to your Amazon Listing Page.
All of these features are what grabs the eye, and what ultimately make a customer think to themselves “This is a good deal. This is not a deal I want to miss out on!” and click BUY.
Discount Offers
Most landing pages jump out at you with a compelling offer. Put your ‘customer hat’ on and think about what you want to see when you’re shopping and looking for good deals. Discounts! If your landing page doesn’t give an attractive enough offer for a customer to click and be redirected to the Amazon Listing Page… then your landing page is just unnecessary.
Generally speaking, you should be aiming for a discount offer at 60% or higher. Conversion rates of customers actually going to check-out increase above the 40% threshold. Still, this doesn’t mean you should just give your product away.

Again, put your ‘customer hat’ on and ask yourself how you react when you see a product that’s 80 – 99% off… It simply isn’t trustworthy, why would a seller just give their product away unless there was something wrong with it?
We recommend 60% as the most desirable discount, mostly because any reviews you get for a product bought at a 60% discount or lower still counts as a Verified review on Amazon.
Product Descriptions
Follow the “Keep it Simple” principle for any text on your landing page. You already have a product description and 5 detailed bullet points on your Amazon Listing Page, do not make the mistake of clogging up your landing page with unnecessary information.
A text-heavy landing page will put customers off. The best landing page is one that’s simple, clear, easy to read, and a quick read. All you need on your landing page is the big details. Product name, product photo, brief product description, price, and discounted price. That’s all, just the brass tacks!
If it takes you longer than a minute to take in the information on your own landing page, it’s already way too complicated!
All in all, there’s no reason NOT to have an Amazon Landing Page. There are absolutely no drawbacks, and the benefits are numerous. Having more control over your customer data is invaluable for an Amazon FBA business, where so much of your data is hoarded by Amazon itself.
Tracking metrics like consumer traffic will not only help you in general business growth but also your Amazon PPC campaigns! Making a landing page is ridiculously simple with all the tools at your disposal, take a few minutes out of your day and whip one up for the ASINs you want to promote. You won’t regret it!