10 Brilliant Ideas to Capitalize On Your Twitter Cover Image

10 Brilliant Ideas to Capitalize On Your Twitter Cover Image

Are you getting the most out of Twitter?

Is your Twitter profile wholly optimized?

Your cover image is the most significant piece of real estate on your Twitter page. If you aren’t capitalizing on it, you’re missing out on a huge opportunity to grow your business.

In this post, we’re going to look at what some successful companies are doing with that overlooked space and what you can do to improve yours. 

Let’s begin!

1. Humanize Your Brand

What’s the main difference between a brick-and-mortar business and a digital business? It’s the human experience – the ability to interact with your customers face-to-face. 

Marketers often forget that behind the computer screen, there are real people.

Make sure your cover image reflects the human side of your brand. Don’t be afraid to show some personality!

For example, KlientBoost uses its cover image to show off its team:

This is a great way to show that there are real people behind the brand. It also helps to build trust with potential customers.

2. Use an Action Shot

An action shot is a great way to get people’s attention.

It shows that your brand is active and engaging and can help set the tone for your page.

For example, take a look at how Red Bull uses an action shot in their cover image:

This image is eye-catching and tells a lot about the Red Bull brand. It’s a high-energy, exciting photo and makes you want to know more.

When we say “action shot,” we don’t necessarily mean that it has to be a photo of people doing physical activity. It could be a picture of your product in use or even a close-up of your team working hard.

For instance, here’s how Dollar Shave Club uses its cover image:

This is an excellent example of an action shot that’s not necessarily “action-packed.” It’s a close-up of a customer using Dollar Shave Club’s products.

And it’s a great way to show off what the product looks like in real life.

3. Feature Upcoming Events

If you want to promote an upcoming event, your Twitter cover image is probably the best place to do it. Here’s why:

First, every new follower you get will be exposed to your event, which might increase your ticket sales. Second, it’s an excellent reminder for those followers who already knew about your event but forgot to reserve their spot. 

Here’s a great example from Social Media Examiner. They regularly update their cover image with upcoming events:

4) Cross-Promote Platforms

If you’re active on other social networks or platforms, cross-promoting those channels on your Twitter cover image is a smart move. You can grow your following on other media while driving traffic to your website.

You can include links to your other social media profiles or use creative visuals that promote your other channels. It’s a simple, yet effective way to increase your reach and grow your business.

Related reading; Twitter marketing strategy for beginners.

5) Social Proof

When you prove that other people are using and enjoying your product, it makes it more likely that new customers will want to try it out for themselves.

This is called social proof, and it’s a powerful marketing tool. And what better place to showcase social proof than on your Twitter cover image?

For example, Facebook marketing expert Jon Loomer shares his Social Media Examiner badges to leverage authority and build credibility. 

If you’ve been featured on popular sites or magazines…

If you have endorsements from famous people in your industry…

If you have customer testimonials…


6. Show The Benefits

The human brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than plain text. Or, as the old saying states, “the right picture is worth a thousand words.”

The right image can tell your customers a story they want to hear.

For example, Shape, a fitness and beauty magazine, displays the image of a young, flexible woman on its Twitter cover. This shows the main benefit of reading Shape; a strong, healthy body. 

Simplilearn is another great example. 

They don’t rely on visual content, however. 

Simplilearn also displays its unique selling proposition, “Real learning. Real career impact,” which clearly states the main benefit you get from Simplilearn: High-quality education. 

If you can explain the main benefits people will get if they engage with your products or services, they’ll be able to make a decision faster. 

7. Show What Your Brand Stands For

“We saw that emotional attachments to brands certainly do exist, but that connection typically starts with a “shared value” that consumers believe they hold in common with the brand.” – Aaron Lotton

Put simply; people don’t follow your brand because of your “amazing” products, colors, or logo. They choose to follow brands that resonate with their values. 

If your brand stands for something, tell people about it.

You might increase loyalty.

8. Dramatize Your Brand

It’s proven that our brains are wired for stories. We can retain stories much easier than facts, stats, or any other piece of information.

That’s why brands exist in the first place. 

Every single brand in the world tells a story, and customers choose brands based on that story.

When you dramatize your brand story, people can quickly tell whether you’re the right fit.

Dale Carnegie puts it well: 

“When we want to make a point, we need to tell a story. The story will stick long after the facts have been forgotten. We need to learn to be weavers of tales and demonstrators of ideas. More can be said in a story or an example than we could ever say directly.”

Old Spice’s Twitter Cover is the perfect example.

Instead of boring people with your cover image, tell them a story. 

9. Showcase Your Products

As I said earlier, the “human experience” differentiates a digital business from a brick-and-mortar business.

People can’t touch your software or courses. And even if you’re selling physical products, your visitors can’t have that sensitive interaction with products in traditional stores. 

That’s why adding high-quality pictures of your products is important. If you can create a beautiful banner featuring your products and add it to your Twitter cover, that might entice more people to buy from you. 

Whether you’re selling an ebook, an online course, or a physical product, show it to your visitors. 

Here’s an excellent example from Kosas, a growing cosmetics brand:

10. Promote Your Website

This is probably the most “obvious” tip on the list, but you’d be surprised by the low number of people who include their website on their cover. 

I think marketers assume that all their website visitors follow them on Twitter and vice versa, but don’t be too sure.

Many of your Twitter followers don’t even know your website URL. If you include it on your cover, you might increase your website visitors and sales.

Make no mistake, your Twitter cover is the first thing people see when visiting your Twitter profile, and if you use it to promote your website, you might be surprised by the results.

It’s worth trying.

Take One Small Step

You want to build your brand on Twitter, and I’m not asking you to make any hard, scary decisions to do it.

Just take one small step.

Maybe it’s one of the ten ideas described in this article, or perhaps it’s something else. But by taking action and doing something, you’re getting into a new mindset; step by step, you’re getting closer to your goal.

And that’s the point.

Just remember the great words of Karen Lamb:

“A year from now, you will wish you had started today.”

So, what are you waiting for?

Related reading; How to use Twitter advanced search