Alicia Burke

Alicia Burke

Head of Product and Marketing @ GrowCFO

Mentor since; November, 2019
From :Guayaquil, Ecuador
Time blocks available:15min, 30min
Toolkit:Buffer, WordPress, Zapier
Reviews:4.98 (48 reviews / 76 sessions)
Alicia Burke

Head of Product & Marketing at GrowCFO, an e-learning platform and community for finance leaders. Previously: blockchain accelerator, venture capital, executive search, WPP agency, healthtech startup, UK government.

Areas of expertise: positioning and messaging, GTM planning, website development, campaign planning, and content marketing.

What I can help with (whether that’s just you as an entrepreneur, a solo marketer, a freelancer or agency, or working within a team):

  • bring clarity and focus to your marketing function and build clear, cohesive communications
  • drive your marketing plan (tools and positioning for executive buy-in, team collaboration, prioritisation and phases of execution)

Irish/American/Ecuadorean, raised in Ecuador, Kenya, Uganda, Bangladesh, Ireland, and Tanzania. Now living between London and Madrid.

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