Joran Hofman

Joran Hofman

SaaS Bootstrapper, Ex-Head of Customer Success

Mentor since; January 2022
From :Utrecht, The Netherlands
Languages:Dutch, English
Time blocks available:15min , 30min
Toolkit:Freshworks, Google Tag Manager, Pipedrive, WordPress
Reviews:5.0 (4 reviews / 5 sessions)

When Joran was working at his previous company, he often received the question; this is a great tool, which tools should I use more? This resulted in him starting which lists the best Sales & Marketing tools and receives 30k+ organic visitors per month at the moment.

To turn this into a revenue stream he started to apply to the partner/affiliate programs which are listed on the site, which made him realize after a while that the current tools on the market are not doing what they should; helping the partner & SaaS partner to build a revenue channel.

Hence he started, Reditus. A Partner Management Tool purely focussed on B2B SaaS companies. With this clear focus and the marketplace, it will offer great opportunities for individuals and businesses to grow a new revenue channel, in a scalable way!

Overall, Joran loves solving business challenges by using technology to create innovative solutions, leading to increased revenue opportunities! As growing from a salesperson to Head of CS and leading a team of 25+ he will always make sure to keep the clients in mind, as at the end that is why you are building something right?

Want to get started yourself? See the best tools recommended for you: